Is your Verizon service down in Tribeca? Let the Public Service Commission know.

On Campaign

Is your Verizon service down in Tribeca? Let the Public Service Commission know.

The phones at The Architect’s Newspaper (AN) have been down since August 4th; we apologize if this has caused any inconvenience. However, this is part of a wider service outage in Tribeca.

Moreover, we’ve learned from our service provider Verizon that a major cable was cut and our service won’t be restored until August 22. There is no notification of a service issue on Verizon’s website.

AN has filed a complaint with the Public Service Commission. If you are affected by this outage and have already reported the same to Verizon, we will see a better response if you also join us in filing a complaint with the Commission.

If you’d like to contact AN directly for any reason, please email us here.