Help Imagine a "Past Whose Future Never Arrived" with Imaginary Archive in Kiev

Help Imagine a "Past Whose Future Never Arrived" with Imaginary Archive in Kiev

Since 2010, New York–based artists and theorists Gregory Sholette and Olga Kopenkina have invited people around the world to imagine “a past whose future never arrived.” Through their ambitious installation, Imaginary Archive, participants can interact with both real and fictional “printed matter, small objects, artist’s books and self-published narratives” to envision alternative political and cultural histories.

The installation has appeared in New ZealandIreland, and Austria, and, if their new IndieGogo campaign is successful, it will arrive Kiev, Ukraine next month.

For Sholette and Kopenkina, the country’s current political upheaval provides a unique opportunity for their work. They write, “With the future of the country teetering in maximum uncertainty, the need for intense artistic reflection and discussion of historic choices and possibilities is as great as ever.”