Other Talents

Other Talents

LA’s A+D (Architecture and Design) Museum is hosting its final exhibition at its current space at 5900 Wilshire Boulevard. The museum leaves its digs on April 15, and will move to a new (still undisclosed) location in the fall. The show, called Other Works, features the artwork of LA architects Wes Jones, Eric Kahn and Gary Paige. All three explore complexity, color, abstraction, and layering, and in general appear to enjoy getting to play in a less constrictive environment than architecture. This is especially true of  Jones, whose childlike, floating red buildings are the antithesis of his carefully studied architectural drawings. Kahn and Paige, meanwhile, have both managed to evoke spirituality and rich depth from apparently (but not really) simple collages of color, texture, and in Kahn’s case, letters and symbols. More info on the future of the A+D Museum coming soon… And more pictures after the jump..